



    Before & Afters


    Smile Makeover with Porcelain Shell Crowns

Smile Makeover with Porcelain Shell Crowns



This patient wanted a smile makeover. He didn’t like the gap between his upper front teeth and their rugged and worn appearance.

We treated this case with Porcelain Shell Crown to the upper front six teeth. This was sufficient in order to achieve the aesthetic outcome that this patient always.

This method is very similar to Porcelain Veneers and require less tooth preparation than standard dental crowns.

The teeth are prepared by filing them down approximately 0.5 to 0.75mm, as seen in the second sequence picture.

The shell crowns are made in our onsite laboratory and are bonded to the tooth with a light cured cement.

The shell crowns have a level of transparency allowing light transmission that mimics a natural tooth, as see in the 4th and 5th picture in the sequence.

The end result is closure of the gap and the smile makeover that the patient always wanted, and which is also conservative.

At this clinic we pride ourselves on being able to ascertain the most efficacious approach to achieve the desired result in any smile makeover without compromising on quality, and it may not necessarily be quite as complex or expensive a treatment as patients often anticipate.

Worn Gappy Teeth.

The teeth are prepared by filing them down 0.5mm to 0.75mm.

Porcelain Shell Crowns are made very thin similar to veneers.

The Shell Crowns are cemented and set in place with a special light.

Like Veneers, Porcelain Shell Crowns have optimal light transmitting qualities.

The Shell Crowns on review.


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